30-Day Challenge

Virtual Influence Redefined
May 24, 2021
The Science Behind Zoom Fatigue
June 21, 2021

To learn more about our research and to download your own copies visit https://staceyhankeinc.com/research/


Drop me a note to share what you will do THIS MONTH to hold yourself accountable.Tag me on my Facebook page.


If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.



Stacey’s Pix:

Podcast:  Boss Better Now  by Joe Mull


30-Day Challenge


What if in the next 30 days you could enhance your influence and impact virtually? What if your listeners looked forward to meeting with you via Zoom?

Today, we sit behind a screen for hours on end without giving our minds time to transition between online interactions properly. Three action steps you can take today will make sure you consistently have influence and impact virtually.

  1. Record Yourself

If you’ve been following us, you knew I was going to say this!

Recording yourself is an easy step to take when we’re virtual. You’ll quickly identify what works, what you need to enhance, and where you’re creating distractions. I’d lie to you if I said this is easy. My team and I frequently record ourselves. It doesn’t get easier…YOU get better! It requires you to have some grit, be open-minded and vulnerable.

At least once a week,  record yourself during your virtual interactions. Watch your playback and

Write down what you see and hear.

What we write we invite in our life!

Pay attention to how you are on camera to fully understand how your listeners perceive you. Are you clear, concise or do you lack brevity? Having influence takes an ongoing commitment to personal improvement.


  1. You’re not influential if you’re not focusing on your Personal Development

Talking about being influential isn’t the same as putting in the work. You don’t talk about how you will swing the golf club to improve your game. You get out on the golf course and you deliberately practice.

Your Challenge …

Share with individuals in your personal and professional life that you’re committed to improving your virtual presence and communication skills.

Do you need to improve your eye contact or do you interrupt others before they can finish their thought?

Whatever you identify in your recordings as a listening weakness, write it down and commit to changing that behavior over the next 30 days.

  1. Ask for Constructive Feedback

Having others tell you how good you are will get you nowhere.

Find 3 people you trust who will tell you the truth about your communication and what you need to improve.  Write down their recommendations and commit to following up within 30 days to discuss what you have done to address their feedback.

It’s not too late to enhance your virtual presence. How you show up and how you stay showed up in this space will either enhance or jeopardize your influence when you’re in-person. You always have control of your development. It’s putting this control into action that sets you apart from those who sit and wait.

You can receive your complimentary copy of our research when you click on the link below this video.

Influence Research


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