Don’t Leave Your Reputation to Chance – 5 Actions to Building Your Reputation, Monday to Monday®

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Your reputation is who you are and how you show up, Monday to Monday®.  Many of us take our image and reputation for granted.  Give careful thought to the kind of reputation that you would be proud of Monday to Monday® and that would resonate with your purpose and priorities. This is what makes your reputation authentic. What do you want to be known for? What do you want people to think when someone says, “Hey, do you know [your name]?” These are critical questions that need deliberate answers. When you get clear about what you stand for, it is easy to be you Monday to Monday®.

Everything you do and say is a reflection of you. Your name is attached to everything you communicate, whether spoken or written, meeting agenda or email, podcast or social media post. You owe it to yourself to be accountable for the communication you put out there and  make sure it is consistent with how you want people to perceive you.

If you have any kind of social media account, give serious thought to every message, picture and post. Think through how your message could be received and perceived by others, especially those who don’t know you. Ask yourself, “Would I be smart to put this on a billboard in the middle of Times Square?” If the answer is “no,” then it’s not smart to post it on social media, either. If you are ever in doubt about whether to post something, ask for feedback from someone you trust.

Today, commit to building and maintaining your reputation by doing the following:


  1. List two to three adjectives that describe how you want to be perceived by others.


  1. Ask a few individuals to tell you one word that describes how they perceive you. Does that word match one of the adjectives you wrote down?


  1. Before you walk out the door each morning, look in the mirror. What kind of first impression will you make? Do you represent the personal brand you described above? If not, make the change needed to be consistent.


  1. Write down three action steps you can take to grow your personal brand and show up consistently, Monday to MondayÒ.


  1. This week check all your social media profiles to ensure they are aligned with your personal brand and promote a positive reputation.


Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to build a reputation you’re proud of.  Tag me on my Facebook page. If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

This week’s blog is an excerpt from my new book, Influence Redefined…Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday®.

Click here to receive our “10 Lies Business People believe about Their Influence”

10 lies business people believe

What Achievers Read:

Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will by Noel M. Tichy,  Stratford Sherman

1 Comment

  1. Judi says:

    You know I’m all about the personal brand and I love these great reminders! Just put your book in my Amazon cart. 🙂

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