tips | Stacey Hanke, Inc. Tue, 12 Apr 2022 14:10:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Ways to Host Hybrid Meetings Like a Pro Tue, 12 Apr 2022 14:10:23 +0000 10 Ways to Host Hybrid Meetings Like a Pro Nothing costs your influence quite like an ineffective meeting. The introduction our new hybrid workplace challenges what […]

The post 10 Ways to Host Hybrid Meetings Like a Pro first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

10 Ways to Host Hybrid Meetings Like a Pro

Nothing costs your influence quite like an ineffective meeting. The introduction our new hybrid workplace challenges what we’ve ever known about meeting facilitation. Many struggle enough hosting in-person meetings, only to find virtual meetings more difficult. Technical mishaps, over-filled calendars and unproductive conversations result in immediate frustration for our listeners. Hybrid meetings add an extra layer of risk as meeting facilitators juggle both in-person and online listeners. Grow your influence by facilitating hybrid meetings like a pro. In 10 simple steps, attendees will trust your meetings are a productive and valuable use of their time.

  1. Don’t over invite.

The larger the meeting, the greater the chance mistakes will occur. Hybrid meetings are challenging enough to facilitate. By over-inviting attendees, your listeners will struggle to hear everyone speaking or even participate themselves.


  1. Prepare ahead of time.

You never want someone leaving your meeting feeling it was a waste of their time. Take time to prepare your message, no matter the audience. Write down what you need to cover, and in what order. This will keep your thoughts, and the conversation on track.


  1. Provide an agenda.

No one appreciates long-running meetings. An agenda will prevent discussions from going down the wrong path, eating valuable time.


  1. Keep meetings short.

Everything competes for your listener’s attention, challenging your ability to be heard above the noise. Short meetings encourage listeners to pay close attention while reinforcing the need to keep the conversation on track.


  1. Open Zoom early.

Virtual attendees miss the opportunity to make small talk with other meeting attendees, often leaving them feeling like second-class citizens. By opening the Zoom bridge early, you give virtual attendees a chance to engage with others, reinforcing their valued presence.


  1. Establish ground rules.

Explain to attendees how you will facilitate the meeting and take questions in both settings. Invite virtual attendees to utilize the online chat platform, then assign an in-person attendee to monitor the questions posted.


  1. Leverage technology.

If you are presenting in person, attempt to project the virtual meeting so in-person attendees are reminded of their presence and participation. If a projection screen is not available, set up multiple computers around the table allowing all attendees to connect and engage with each other.


  1. Control the conversation.

We’ve all been in meetings where one or two attendees attempt to dominate the conversation. It’s up to you to guide the conversation, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to speak. Interject when interruptions occur. Let the offender know you’ll come back around to their thought as soon as the speaker can finish what they were sharing.


  1. Check in.

It is easy for in-person meeting facilitators to forget their virtual attendees. Every few moments, check-in to ensure they can clearly hear and see. Call on them by name, inviting them to contribute to the conversation. This will help everyone feel better connected.


  1. End strongly.

Nothing feels as cold and abrupt as attending a virtual call that immediately ends. Allow yourself a few minutes to wrap up your meeting, inviting others to provide final thoughts or questions. Recap the discussion to reinforce what your meeting accomplished.


Each hybrid meeting facilitation provides you the opportunity to grow your influence and build trust among attendees.

Next time you host a hybrid meeting, implement these 10 tips to ensure your listeners time is well spent.



Stacey’s Picks:

Podcast: The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Host: Carey Nieuwhof


If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

Check out our Research on Influence in conjunction with the University of Northern Colorado HERE.


Influence Research


The post 10 Ways to Host Hybrid Meetings Like a Pro first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

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3 Skills to Demonstrate Executive Presence Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:05:46 +0000 3 Skills to Demonstrate Executive Presence Have you ever seen someone whose presence takes command the moment they enter a room? They don’t attract attention because […]

The post 3 Skills to Demonstrate Executive Presence first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

3 Skills to Demonstrate Executive Presence

Have you ever seen someone whose presence takes command the moment they enter a room? They don’t attract attention because they are loud or flashy. They exude a silent confidence seen and felt by others. They speak in a way that draws people in. Their influence encourages others to willingly act upon what they say.

Think of someone you know with executive presence. Chances are, you can’t put your finger on any one single skill they possess, rather a combination of attributes that makes them uniquely influential.

Executive presence requires work. It means admitting the skills it took to reach your current level of success are not enough to guarantee continued success. It goes beyond just wanting to get better. It requires a willingness to disrupt your old habits and a commitment to practice skills even when they feel unnatural. If you are ready to do the work, these 3 skills will help you achieve the executive presence needed to have influence.

  1. Clearly Convey Your Vision

Executive presence, like influence, isn’t granted with years of experience or a fancy title. Leaders demonstrate executive presence when they can clearly communicate their vision. Too often, leaders fail to influence others because their message is long and hard to follow. When I ramble, or take too long to reach a point, my coach says to me “Commit to a lane and land the plane.” To have influence, your message must land in a way that is clear, concise and easy to remember.  Words matter. Clarity yields confidence.


  1. Encourage Accountability

Executive presence grows when leaders encourage and empower employees to prioritize their own self-development. Influence is the direct result of respect, credibility and trust earned from others. Grow your influence by encouraging your team to grow their own. Studies show people retain only 5% of what they hear, 10% of what they read, and 90% of what they teach others. Develop your employees’ ability to influence others by creating an accountability program. Establish accountability partnerships among employees that provide productive feedback on ways to improve each other’s communication skills.  Growing their influence will result in growing your own.


  1. Ditch Self Doubt

Confidence is the one word most associated with executive presence. When people consider someone they believe to have influence, they often describe them as confident; and yet, too often we allow self-doubt to steal our confidence. We allow insecurities to creep into our thoughts, resulting in our use of words and body language that reflect our deep-seeded doubt. When unsure of our ideas, we tend to change our tone and rate of speech. We slouch. Our eyes dart when speaking, and we fail to connect with our listeners in a way that makes an impact. When you speak, focus on how you convey your message, even if you’re feeling insecure. Stand up tall, with your shoulders back and hands comfortably at your side. Make deliberate eye contact when you speak, only breaking long enough to pause between topics.You may feel unsure on the inside, but your communication skills will convey confidence.

Every professional who exhibits executive presence chose at some point in their career to become a better communicator. Use these three tips and make the choice to become better today.



Stacey’s Picks:

Podcast: The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Host: Andy Stanley


If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

Check out our Research on Influence in conjunction with the University of Northern Colorado HERE.


Influence Research


The post 3 Skills to Demonstrate Executive Presence first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

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Three Ways Turning On the Camera Will Turn Up Your Influence Tue, 21 Sep 2021 01:13:49 +0000 Three Ways Turning On the Camera Will Turn Up Your Influence Imagine sitting in a boardroom waiting for a meeting to begin when an attendee calls […]

The post Three Ways Turning On the Camera Will Turn Up Your Influence first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

Three Ways Turning On the Camera Will Turn Up Your Influence

Imagine sitting in a boardroom waiting for a meeting to begin when an attendee calls to say, “I don’t want you to see me today, so I’m going join the meeting from a phone in the hallway.”

This would NEVER happen, and yet every day we struggle to get attendees to show their faces on video calls.

Most of us miss the days when we could engage face-to-face with each other in the hallway, lunchroom or meeting space, and yet, it seems like there is a reluctance to turn on our camera to see each other’s faces.

There are several reasons people don’t turn on their camera. Perhaps they do not like seeing themselves on camera, their hair or makeup isn’t done, or their workspace is a mess.  I venture to guess the biggest reason is because attendees want to multi-task. Let’s face it, multi-tasking is a lot easier to do when you know you can’t be seen.

Either way, when you can’t see each other’s eyes, you can’t make the connection needed to be truly influential in every interaction.

To increase your influence, get your meeting attendees to give you their undivided attention by asking one of these three questions:

  1. “I’d love to see you today. Are you able to turn on your camera?”

This is a great question to ask coworkers, peers and others you once could frequently see in person. It is hard for attendees to say ‘no’ to this request, and it will boost the friendly dialogue you once had working together in the office.

  1. “To ensure you receive the most from this meeting, would you please turn on your camera?”

This question is a great way to ask existing clients and employees to show their shining faces. Encouraging them to turn on their cameras will maximize engagement, helping everyone focus so details aren’t missed. It also helps you read reactions and evaluate how to move conversations forward.

  1. “Would you turn on your camera so I can more easily help you?”

Conversations with prospects can be challenging enough without having to stare at a blank screen. Let your prospects know you are excited to help them and seeing their face will help you do just that. This will maximize engagement and help you navigate the conversation more easily. If asking this question feels uncomfortable, set the expectation when initially schedule the meeting.

Virtual meetings are a part of our new normal and learning to maximize our influence in this new reality is critical to our success. Ask these three questions to get your listeners to turn on their cameras so you can turn up your influence.



Stacey’s Pix:

Book: Thoughtfully Fit By Darcy Luoma


If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

Check out our Research on Influence in conjunction with the University of Northern Colorado HERE.


Influence Research


The post Three Ways Turning On the Camera Will Turn Up Your Influence first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

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The Boring Leading the Boring – 4 Actions to Lead Meetings with Influence Mon, 20 Aug 2018 22:16:40 +0000 Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to make sure the meetings you lead drive influence.  Tag me […]

The post The Boring Leading the Boring – 4 Actions to Lead Meetings with Influence first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to make sure the meetings you lead drive influence.  Tag me on my Facebook page.

If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

Download the full report – 5 Risks to avoid with Social Media


What Achievers Read:

The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

by Michael Bungay Stanier



The post The Boring Leading the Boring – 4 Actions to Lead Meetings with Influence first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

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You May Not be as Influential as You Think You Are if…Others Don’t Respond to Your Text and Email Messages Fri, 03 Aug 2018 22:30:11 +0000 Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to make sure you’re email and text messages are getting answered.  […]

The post You May Not be as Influential as You Think You Are if…Others Don’t Respond to Your Text and Email Messages first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to make sure you’re email and text messages are getting answered.  Tag me on my Facebook page.

If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

Download the full report – 5 Risks to avoid with Social Media


What Achievers Read:

Hug Your Haters:  How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers

by Jay Baer



The post You May Not be as Influential as You Think You Are if…Others Don’t Respond to Your Text and Email Messages first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

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3 Steps to Building Your Influence on Social Media Fri, 08 Jun 2018 02:48:27 +0000 Drop me a note to share the action steps you will take this month to edit and enhance your social media presence.  Tag me on my […]

The post 3 Steps to Building Your Influence on Social Media first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

Drop me a note to share the action steps you will take this month to edit and enhance your social media presence.  Tag me on my Facebook page.

If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.

Download the full report – 5 Risks to avoid with Social Media


What Achievers Read:

500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and More!

by Andrew Macarthy



The post 3 Steps to Building Your Influence on Social Media first appeared on Stacey Hanke, Inc..

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